Smile through the Clouds on National Stress Awareness Day

Smile through the Clouds on National Stress Awareness Day, November 2nd 2023.

Smiling is a powerful antidote to stress. Yet it seems such a simple action that we forget it’s importance and moreover, we forget to do it. There is increasing evidence affirming that work-related stress is on the rise. This has been identified through various studies and surveys. 

So how do we smile through stress? We simply, smile! The instant chemical effect that the act of smiling has on our mood and the decreasing effect it has on rising cortisol levels, is profound. We do not need a reason or a trigger for our smile to have an immediate impact and what we smile about makes no difference at all in lessening or strengthening the positive physical response. A smile is a smile...

And, how does it work? Well, the small effort of using our facial, smiling muscles sends a message to and stimulates the brain. Sending out the clear statement that we are feeling happy, lighter and more playful and that we are enjoying our life experiences. Whether that is the emotional truth or not, the brain immediately supports our actions by altering the chemistry in our bodies; activating our endorphins (our endo-morphine, the body’s natural pain killers) and the body’s coping mechanisms. 

So, we gradually feel brighter and more at ease with the world and ourselves. From a physical perspective, we encourage connection and brightness to those around us. From a practical perspective, we can bring in both mental focus and productivity. From an inner perspective, in each smiling moment, we are helping ourselves to shine, respond and tap into our own source of joy.

So today, smile consciously at least five times and smile especially if you don’t feel like it! Smile when you are alone, or feel overwhelmed, sad, frustrated or stressed… Find any reason and opportunity to smile.

And, tomorrow, choose to smile again and again. Make conscious smiling part of your new daily routine. You might want to remind yourself with post-it notes, smile at ‘distancing’ passers-by, smile at the dog, the postman and even that sink full of dishes… as it might just give you the motivation you need to be creative with your challenges and see you through a stress-free day.

Amanda Bate, Amandala - November 2023

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